Friday, September 7, 2007

Tada! Swimsuit Pictures

I know it's been a long time since I last posted, but I did not forget the promise of pictures. For my "after" picture, click onward!

Do I get some kind of award now? Not for the weight loss...for being brave enough to post a swimsuit picture on the web!

So much has happened in the last month and a half that the idea of posting about it all right now is making me want to take a nap. Hence, that's all you get for now.


pollyhyper said...

Sexy Mama!

Good times! Where's the one where you're posing like you should be on the hood of a mustang?

pollyhyper said...

Although I do enjoy seeing your sexy bod in a bathing suit every time I log onto your blog, howzabout an update?

Weight Loss Progress