Today was the final weigh in for my company's weight loss challenge. There will be another 12 weeks of workouts, but no more competition. I am quite proud of myself and my results. So proud that I may even have a friend take a picture of me in my bathing suit this weekend so I can post it here next week.
I am down 2.6 lbs from last week, bringing me to a total loss of 15.2 lbs! I know I could have lost more if I didn't bail on the workouts the last few weeks due to school and the whole schedule/stress thing. However, it would have been really easy for me to let those same factors get me to start eating like crap and gain a ton of weight back. I am really proud that I didn't let that happen.
My pants that I've worn for nearly every weigh in day are literally falling off of me now. I've lost 6 centimeters off my waist and 8 centimeters off my thigh. Eight centimeters is slightly over three inches! My thighs are smaller now then they were when I was twenty or thirty pounds lighter! They are still big, as you will see when I post the swimsuit pictures, but I am delighted that they are smaller.
Now I'm off to go to the beach all weekend! Thanks for checking in on me!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Week 12 - The Finish Line!
Posted by
she's mighty mighty
4:53 PM
Labels: weightloss, weights and measures
Monday, July 16, 2007
I am zinging with happiness, because I just did some figuring and, barring unexpected complications, I should be able to graduate in May 2009. Lots to do before then, but that's so soon! I started college in the fall of 1998, so the idea of graduating is pure sunshine. As in-my graduation party will probably be bigger than my wedding. May 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
she's mighty mighty
12:56 PM
Labels: school
Friday, July 13, 2007
Is this thing on? Tap tap tap...
Wow-it's been a while since I posted. I'm sure I will make up for it soon, because in a few weeks I will have internet access at home! We've already received our DSL modem, we're just waiting for the service to be activated. Then I promise I will be a posting fool. My wonderful hubby bought me a new laptop for my birthday!!! I've been dying to use it to update y'all, but, again, still waiting for the internet at home. I have had no time to write at work due to homework and -shocker- actual work. The only reason I am writing here now is that it is 4:15 on a Friday and my work ethic has left the building.
My summer classes are still humming along. Accounting ended last week. The final that I was so worried about turned out to be easier than I thought. I got 106% (there were bonus points). That means that I got 100% or more on EVERY test, quiz, and assignment in that class. If that sounds like bragging, oh well. I am very proud of how I did. My professor gave me a recommendation to send in with my transfer application to Towson University and is trying to talk me into going into the accounting field. This weekend I'm visiting my brother who is a CPA (and lawyer-brains definitely run in my family). I'm going to get his opinion and I'm also interviewing a girl closer to my age who works for an accounting firm. No decisions yet though.
My ceramics class is still going on for one more week. As stressed out as I was a few weeks ago in this class, I'm sad that it is ending. The last two weeks everything has started to click. The good thing is that I will still have access to the studio for the rest of the summer and my professor will be there on Mondays and Wednesdays. Hopefully I will actually have some free time to take advantage of that.
My US History class started this past Monday (it's M-T-TH). My husband and I are taking it together. It is nice to see each other once again! We've barely had any time together since the summer started. He is supposed to be cheerleading me through this class since it's one of my least favorite subjects, but I actually like the class so far. Our teacher is insane. Not in a bad way-he's just full of personality, wears shorts and Crocs, talks in funny accents, and tells wacky personal stories. I was a little scared the first night but he grew on me. He's really good at getting things back on track after a tangent which is great since we have a lot of discussions in class. We have a lot of writing assignments, but I'm trying to go with the flow instead of letting that freak me out. Frequent short writing assignments are what kicked off the beginning of my academic demise. I guess this is my chance to show I'm over that.
That's all there is to say about school. As for the weight loss competition, I haven't worked out in two weeks! It feels more like two months. A lot of stress is making it's way out of my life though, so I'm going to get back on track. This week was the week 11 weigh-in. I'm up 1.6 lbs from two weeks ago (weight=194.8lbs), but that's less than I thought I gained. I'd love to lose 5lbs by the final weigh-in next Friday, but I'm not going to cry if I don't. I made the cut to continue for another 12 weeks, so I have plenty of time to lose more weight.
So now y'all know what I've been up to! Have a great weekend! I promise I'll be back with more frequent (and shorter) posts as soon as Verizon turns on my DSL.
Posted by
she's mighty mighty
4:07 PM
Labels: school, weightloss, weights and measures
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
The Skinny
I didn't have a chance to update this Friday with my weigh-in results because I was busy getting in a car accident. I'm fine, everyone is fine, it's just one more headache to pile onto everything else. I don't have much else to say about that except, "Sigh...."
My weigh-in went great. I'm down to 193.2 lbs, for a total loss of 14.2 lbs. I'm looking forward to hitting and passing the 15 lb mark. There are three weeks left of the original competition, and then we begin the second 12 weeks. Even though I've been missing workouts left and right, I've been eating for weight loss because this competition keeps it at the front of my mind.
My classes for summer session I are now in the home stretch. Tonight I get back my last two Accounting tests and then go home to study. The final for that class is on Thursday. I'm nervous about it because it is a school exam, i.e. our teacher didn't write it. There were a lot of sections that we quickly whizzed over, so I'm going to be upset if those are tested heavily on the final.
There are a few weeks left of my Ceramics class and I'm finally starting to like it. I still think it is stressful and an insane amount of work compared to the course length and class time, but I'm starting to make some good looking pieces. Right now I have an eighteen inch tall vase drying that starts with a 5 inch diameter heart base, expands out to about eight inches, and comes back in to 5 inches. I wanted to glaze it a dark red, but apparently reds are hard to acheive in the kiln. That whole piece was done in coil, but last night I made boxes out of slabs and they were so easy. If this whole class were done in slab, I'd want to take it every semester. As for the wheel, that's another story. The wheel and I are still not speaking. Once this class is over and most of my stuff is glazed and fired, I'll post pictures.
Over and out. It's back to work time.
Posted by
she's mighty mighty
2:37 PM
Labels: school, weightloss, weights and measures